Rethinking Network Science Big and Modeling for Critical Infrastructure Protection, Analysis, and Development (BNET)
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Organized by Cris Moore (SFI), Paul Hines (University of Vermont), and Matthew Koehler (The MITRE Corporation).
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Venue: The MITRE Corporation, McLean VA
The Santa Fe Institute with colleagues from the University of Vermont and the MITRE Corporation introduce a one-day Santa Fe Institute Business Network workshop entitled, “Rethinking Network Science and Modeling for Critical Infrastructure Protection, Analysis, and Development.” This will be a follow-on workshop to the Power Grids as Complex Networks, held at SFI in May 2012. This year’s workshop will be smaller in size and focus on defining a set of research questions and the data and techniques needed to tackle them. More specifically, it will attempt to lay the groundwork for a network science that can handle the complexities of infrastructure networks, especially the power grid, and begin to tackle the related question of when a model of infrastructure is “simple enough” to be useful but not so simple as to be misleading. The basic question for this workshop is, generally: How do we rethink network science to increase its relevance to critical infrastructure analysis and protection while not increasing the detail level so much as to make the analytic system unwieldy?
This workshop is designed for a broad discussion about Critical Infrastructure, and ways to facilitate effective decision making from infrastructure models and data. Topics for this day will include, what infrastructure is critical and how does that change; current critical infrastructure challenges facing Local, State, and Federal governments; what is a robust/resilient infrastructure—can it be created from fragile components? Participants in this meeting will include members of the Santa Fe Institute Business Network, and other experts from government and industry.