Neoplasms amenable to somatic evolutionary studies
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Premalignant conditions we can study longitudinally
Animal carcinogen models
- mouse skin
- rat Barrett’s esophagus
- mouse colonoscope for colorectal cancer
- rate of progression
- time to relapse
- manipulate the rate of progression
- similarity of adaptive landscapes across tumors
- parallel between mouse and human adaptive landscape
What we can study today in human neoplasms
- hematopoietic (blood samples)
- bladder (urine samples)
- lung cancer (fiberoptics, sputum, spiral CT)
- Barrett’s esophagus
- Gastric pre-malignant lesions
- Oral cavity (oral leukoplakia)
- breast (DCIS studies, some people may leave it in)
- Prostate (elevated PSA may trigger multiple biopsies)
- Ulcerative colitis
Premalignant systems that will take significant workup
What we can do tomorrow (minimal changes to standard of care)
- GI (fecal samples? may take assay development)
- Squamous esophagus (in China or other places)
- cervical (serial pap smears? issue of potential malpractice if lesion was missed)
What we can do 5+ years from now (more significant changes)
- Skin
- hard because it is often completely removed
- may be able to look at surrounding tissue (check normal margins on resection to see if genetic abnormality)
- We may be able to convince clinicians to check adjacent tissue if we can justify it
Malignancies (to study resistance to therapy)
What we can do today (not a complete or accurate list)
- Hematopoietic neoplasms
- Bladder
- Oral cancer
- Lung has been done to study resistance
- Prostate
- Colon (with liver metastases)
- Brain cancers (serial debulking? Imaging is very common) - Sidransky?
- melanoma with metastases
- dermatologists are not usually involved in cancer research, which is a problem
- may not include biopsies of mets
- childhood cancers and second tumors later - long follow-up (UNM, Penn)
- Anything where we can get before/after tissue samples or sample before treatment and tumor growth dynamics (or other measures) after treatment