
Models of Emergent Behavior in Complex Adaptive Systems - Agenda

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Thursday, Dec. 6, Hotel Santa Fe

6:00pm-8:30pm Welcome reception and dinner

Friday, Dec 7, Santa Fe Institute

Theme: The Origins of Robustness and Protected Behavior in Biological, Physical, and Social Systems

8:15am - Breakfast
8:55am - Introductory Remarks- D.Pines, LANL and UC Davis
9:00am - Simon Levin, Princeton
9:30am - Discussion led by Alan Perelson, LANL
10:00am - Arthur Lander, UCI
10:30am - Discussion led by Phil Anderson, Princeton
11:00am - Coffee break
11:30am - Charles Stevens, Salk Institute
Noon - Discussion led by John Hopfield, Princeton

12:30pm - Lunch

2:00pm - Geoff West, SFI
2:30pm - Discussion led by Jose Onuchic, UCSD
3:00pm - Peter Wolynes, UCSD: Landscapes in Matter
3:30pm - Discussion led by Leo Kadanoff, Chicago
4:00pm - Refreshment break
4:30pm - General discussion on some future directions for research led by John Hopfield and Jose Onuchic
5:30pm - Adjourn

5:45pm - Reception and dinner

Saturday, Dec. 8 Santa Fe Institute

Theme: The interplay between collective, cooperative, and competitive behavior in biological, physical, and social systems

8:15am - Breakfast
9:00am - Bob Austin. Princeton
9:30am - Discussion--led by Ka Yee Lee, Chicago
10:00am - Daniel Cox, UC Davis
10:30am - Discussion led by David Pines, UC Davis
11:00am - Coffee break
11:30am - Paul Chaikin, NYU: "Two from colloids: Irreversible flow at low Reynolds number--A Dynamical Phase Transition; and Toward Colloidal Self-Replication"
Noon - Discussion led by Mark Newman, Michigan

12:30pm - Lunch

2:00pm - Robert M. Adams, UCSD: Some well-documented instances of emergence in human history
2:30pm - Discussion led by Kazuo Nishimura, Kyoto
3:00pm - Henry Wright, Michigan
3:30pm - Discussion led by Jerome Sabloff, Pennsylvania
4:00pm - Refreshment break
4:30pm - General discussion on some future directions for research led by Paul Chaikin and Henry Wright
5:30pm - Adjourn
5:45pm - Reception and dinner, SFI

Sunday, December 9 Santa Fe Institute

Morning theme: The emergence of macro-level behavior and phenomena from micro-level assumptions and data

9:00am - Lauren Ancel Myers, Texas
9:30am - Discussion led by Mercedes Pascual, Michigan
10:00am - Carl Bergstrom, Univ. of Washington
10:30am - Discussion led by Carl P. Simon, Michigan
11:00am - Brief coffee break
11:15am - Future Directions for SFI and ICAM: Discussion led by S. Levin and D. Pines
12:30pm - Adjourn