Michael K. Dorsey Op-Ed Ideas, Some Old Ones and Strategy
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Two possible ideas:
1. Suggestions for Gov. Schwarzenegger's third Governors' Global Climate Summit, possibly to be co-authored with Bill Gallegos.
2. Expanding the conversation on payments for ecosystem services. This piece builds on a forthcoming piece by colleagues and I responding to Bayon and Jekins' recent piece "Business and Biodiversity” (Nature 466, 184-185).
Some older items:
2. A pdf print out of Whiteman, Gail and M.K. Dorsey. 2010. Beyond Bonn: The Road to Cochabamba. Alertnet, Reuters, 16 Apr 2010 or click to a link to the piece on Reuters Alertnet.
3. This one may be relevant to one of our debate topics: Dorsey, M. K. 2007. Carbon trading won’t work. Los Angeles Times. April 1, p. M4.. Also, click to a [1] to the piece at the L.A. Times.
Strategy, Some Pithy Commentary
• For strongly opinionated pieces on climate related concerns, I strongly suggest getting in contact with the folks at Reuters Alertnet. (See #2 above.) They are constantly looking for new authors, especially scientists and sustainability experts.
• While the point was made about the limits to co-authoring, I think there is strategic value in it, especially in multilateral/transnational co-authoring. That was the strategy behind piece #1, in the 'older items' above. The piece has a peculiar history worth noting. Most of us, like myself perhaps, find Facebook, Twitter, inter alia, the space for procrastination. The editors at Point Carbon's Carbon Market Europe invited me to do the piece, after I tweeted that their "analysis" (that they announce on Twitter) of the incoming UNFCCC Secretary was a disservice to readers, because it failed to mention Figueres ties to the carbon market. The editors asked if I had more than 140 characters to write on the matter they would consider a submission. The result is the co-authored piece.