
Micael Ehn

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

Micael Ehn

My name is Micael Ehn and I am a PhD student in mathematics at the Centre for the Study of Cultural Evolution, Stockholm University and at the School of Education, Culture and Communication, Mälardalen University. The Centre for the Study of Cultural Evolution is an interdisciplinary lab, where researchers from many disciplines, such as mathematics, biology, history and anthropology, work together to study human behavior and cultural evolution.

Email: micael dot ehn at gmail dot com.

Research Interests

The focus of my PhD project is to study how division of labor and division of knowledge emerges, and influences society. More generally I am very interested in studying how individual behavior generates effects on a macro level. I mostly work with mathematical models and try to, as far as possible, to both base my assumptions on, and relate my results to empirical studies.


Game theory, mathematics, programming, experiments on human behavior.

What I hope to get out of CSSS

Most of my research use equilibrium models (as game theory generally do) and I'm looking forward to learning more about alternative ways of modeling where the system does not need to go to equilibrium. I'm also curious about networks, which I haven't worked with at all and I'm very happy to see that many of the other participants have a lot of knowledge within this field.

Possible Projects

I'd be very interested in working on any project that studies emergent behavior or cultural evolution. I could also imagine working on a project studying networks, as this is one of the things I'd like to learn more about during the course.