Kathleen Sprouffske
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
I'm Kathleen Sprouffske, a PhD student at the University of Pennsylvania in the Genomics and Computational Biology program. I am studying the dynamics of cancer progression.
Here's my brand new webpage
My email address is sprouffk@deleteme.mail.med.upenn.edu
Also, I'm planning to get a bicycle to ride around while I am in Santa Fe from this cool bike collective place called Chain Breaker. Their website is under maintenance right now, but here's some info on them. I want to get there Monday or Wednesday the first week there. Anyone else interested in joining me is welcome!
Answers to Dan's Questions follow:
What are your main interests? Feel free to include a "pie in the sky" big idea!
I am interested in using the tools of evolution and ecology to study the dynamics of cancer development and progression. I've recently been thinking lots about how cooperation and cheating play a part in tumorigenesis.
That is what I do officially, but I find so many things fascinating. I was way interested in philosophy & and the social sciences, but never did anything more than read a couple of things and hang out with philosophers & social scientists. I would love to learn more!
What sorts of expertise can you bring to the group?
I have a decent knowledge of the cancer literature and the relevant ideas from evolution. More practically, I can program in a number of languages, including perl, python, R, Objective C, and java. I definitely prefer object-oriented approaches. Also, I have created agent-based models using NetLogo and Swarm. Finally, I am an expert question-asker.
What do you hope to get out of the CSSS?
I have limited exposure to the formal theory behind complex systems, including nonlinear dynamics, and am really looking forward to learning that. My math skills are a little rusty, so I'm looking forward to getting them back in practice again. But really, I am very excited to meet and learn from everyone at the program. A whole bunch of interdisciplinary folks interested in complex systems?? I can't wait to meet you all.
Do you have any possible projects in mind for the CSSS?
- I'm interested in thinking about how to integrate experimental biology with model-building in a lovely synthesis. I've been thinking about cooperation and cheating recently, and would love to model it, but under potentially testable conditions. Ideas???!
- It would be fun to learn about another system - I'm up for working on interesting new projects of the biological or social sciences nature - especially if they include ideas of cooperation.