
Joslyn Barnhart

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

Hello. I am a 3rd year doctoral student in Political Science with a focus in International Relations at UCLA. I have a BA in Neuroscience and an MA in Political Philosophy. I am interested in the evolution of international norms of conflict, the evolution of international institutions, and evolutionary game theory. Recent research has been on different types of territorial change since 1494 and the emergence of norms proscribing territorial conquest with the rise of nationalism and in the post-1950 period. I am hoping to push the development of my dissertation topic while at Santa Fe and I look forward to learning from all of you.

1. What are your main interests? Feel free to include a "pie in the sky" big idea! I am interested in the evolution of international norms of conflict, the evolution of international institutions, and in evolutionary game theory. My current research is on how the system of sovereign statehood and recognized borders spread throughout medieval Europe.

2. What sorts of expertise can you bring to the group? I have some background in evolutionary game theory and statistics as well as a strong background in political and international theory.

3. What do you hope to get out of the CSSS? I am hoping to advance my thinking about my dissertation topic by learning more about modeling options and through talking to peers in the social sciences.

4. Do you have any possible projects in mind for the CSSS? None that are well-formulated, but I would be interested in projects modeling the evolution of cooperation, the evolution of state size and borders or the spread of us versus modes of thought. More generally, I am interested in modeling the spread of cultural and behavioral norms and looking at why some norms 'stick' while others don't as well as at how to best apply evolutionary games to social phenomena.

When not working, I am usually running, advancing my wood-working skills, watching movies or Planet Earth, or trying to find new music to entertain me while I work. I am excited about exploring indian ruins around Santa Fe. I look forward to meeting you all in June.

Until then, I can be reached at