
Hannah Cornish

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

I'm in the first year of my PhD research at the University of Edinburgh. Primarily a linguist by trade (I got my post-grad MSc in Developmental Linguistics in 2006, under-grad MA(Hons) Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence in 2005) my research is currently focused on the cultural transmission of language. More generally, I'm looking at how language has evolved to have the structural properties it has by developing a new experimental paradigm which allows us to observe artificial languages evolving in populations of human subjects in the laboratory. I'm a member of the Language Evolution and Computation Research Unit - and you should feel free to have a nosy and see what exciting work is going on there.

I'm hoping to get a lot out of this trip - not only in terms of finding my inner math-geek, but also hearing about everyone else's research, getting un-Scottishly tanned, and hopefully making some friends. See you all in June.