
Evolution of Collective Computational Abilities of (Pre)Historic Societies - Participants

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki



Name Affiliation
Tiffany Alvarez Washington State University, Dept of Anthropology
Jacopo Baggio University of Central Florida, School of Politics, Security, and International Affairs
Mahzarin Banaji Harvard University, Dept of Psychology
Lukas Barth Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Casey Baulne Washington State University, Dept of Anthropology
Christopher S. Beekman University of Colorado Denver, Dept of Anthropology
Stephen Berquist University of Toronto, Dept of Anthropology
Luis Bettencourt University of Chicagom Mansueto Intitute for Urban Innovation
Robert Bettinger University of California Davis, Dept of Anthropology
Anjali Bhatt Santa Fe Institute
Darcy Bird Washington State University, Dept of Anthropology
Jennifer Birch University of Georgia, Dept of Anthropology
Seth Blumsack Pennsylvania State University, Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering
Kyle Bocinsky Crow Canyon Archaeological Center
Dmitri M. Bondarenko Higher School of Economics University, School of History
Kaitlyn Davis University of Colorado Boulder, Dept of Anthropology<
Judson Finley Utah State University, Dept of Sociology, Social Work, & Anthropology
Jacob Freeman Utah State University, Dept of Sociology, Social Work, & Anthropology
Josh Garland Santa Fe Institute
Andrew Gillreath-Brown Washington State University, Dept of Anthropology
Kyle Gorman City University of New York, Dept of Linguistics
Colin Grier Washington State University, Dept of Anthropology
John Hanson University of Reading, Dept of Classics
Evan Holt Utah State University, Dept of Environment and Society
Mark Jacobsen School of Advanced Air and Space Studies
Sanjay Jain University of Delhi, Department of Physics and Astrophysics
Gülce Kardeş University of Leipzig
Tim Kerig University of Leipzig, Department of History, Prehistory
Nam C. Kim University of Wisconsin at Madison, Dept of Anthropology
Manfred Laubichler Arizona State University, School of Life Sciences
Wilmer Leal Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Nishant Malik Rochester Institute of Technology, School of Mathematical Sciences
Gideon Maughan Utah State University, Dept of Sociology, Social Work, & Anthropology
Helena Milton Santa Fe Institute
Lux Miranda University of Central Florida, Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory
Giles Spence Morrow Vanderbilt University, Data Science Institute & Department of Anthropology
Cody Moser University of California Merced, Cognitive & Information Sciences
Melanie Moses University of New Mexico, Dept of Computer Science
Leo Mather Niehorster-Cook University of Kansas, Depts of Philosophy & Cognitive Science
Nathan Nunn Harvard University, Dept of Economics
Mary O'Connor University of British Columbia, Biodiversity Research Center
Phillip Parton Australian National University, School of Culture, History, and Language
Peter Peregrine Lawrence University, Dept of Anthropology
Alejandro Pérez Velilla University of California Merced, Cognitive & Information Sciences
Chris Poptic Data Science Solutions, LLC
Mike Price Santa Fe Institute
Kylie Quave The George Washington University, Dept of Anthropology
Guillermo Restrepo Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Nancy Retzlaff Universität Leipzig, Institut für Infrastruktur und Ressourcenmanagement
Stan Rhodes Utah State University, Dept of Environment and Society
Paul Roscoe University of Maine, Dept of Anthropology
Larry Samuelson Yale University, Dept of Economics
David Sandeford Arizona State University, School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Carol Schultze Tierra Right of Way Services
Paul Smaldino University of California Merced, Cognitive & Information Sciences
David B. Small Lehigh University, Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Peter Stadler Universität Leipzig, Institut für Infrastruktur und Ressourcenmanagement
Peter Turchin University of Connecticut, Depts of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Anthropology, and Mathematics
Shannon Tushingham Washington State University, Dept of Anthropology
Francis M. Tyers Indiana University Bloomington, Higher School of Economics
Geoff West Santa Fe Institute