Name |
Affiliation |
Tiffany Alvarez | Washington State University, Dept of Anthropology |
Jacopo Baggio | University of Central Florida, School of Politics, Security, and International Affairs |
Mahzarin Banaji | Harvard University, Dept of Psychology |
Lukas Barth | Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences |
Casey Baulne | Washington State University, Dept of Anthropology |
Christopher S. Beekman | University of Colorado Denver, Dept of Anthropology |
Stephen Berquist | University of Toronto, Dept of Anthropology |
Luis Bettencourt | University of Chicagom Mansueto Intitute for Urban Innovation |
Robert Bettinger | University of California Davis, Dept of Anthropology |
Anjali Bhatt | Santa Fe Institute |
Darcy Bird | Washington State University, Dept of Anthropology |
Jennifer Birch | University of Georgia, Dept of Anthropology |
Seth Blumsack | Pennsylvania State University, Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering |
Kyle Bocinsky | Crow Canyon Archaeological Center |
Dmitri M. Bondarenko | Higher School of Economics University, School of History |
Kaitlyn Davis | University of Colorado Boulder, Dept of Anthropology< |
Judson Finley | Utah State University, Dept of Sociology, Social Work, & Anthropology |
Jacob Freeman | Utah State University, Dept of Sociology, Social Work, & Anthropology |
Josh Garland | Santa Fe Institute |
Andrew Gillreath-Brown | Washington State University, Dept of Anthropology |
Kyle Gorman | City University of New York, Dept of Linguistics |
Colin Grier | Washington State University, Dept of Anthropology |
John Hanson | University of Reading, Dept of Classics |
Evan Holt | Utah State University, Dept of Environment and Society |
Mark Jacobsen | School of Advanced Air and Space Studies |
Sanjay Jain | University of Delhi, Department of Physics and Astrophysics |
Gülce Kardeş | University of Leipzig |
Tim Kerig | University of Leipzig, Department of History, Prehistory |
Nam C. Kim | University of Wisconsin at Madison, Dept of Anthropology |
Manfred Laubichler | Arizona State University, School of Life Sciences |
Wilmer Leal | Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences |
Nishant Malik | Rochester Institute of Technology, School of Mathematical Sciences |
Gideon Maughan | Utah State University, Dept of Sociology, Social Work, & Anthropology |
Helena Milton | Santa Fe Institute |
Lux Miranda | University of Central Florida, Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory |
Giles Spence Morrow | Vanderbilt University, Data Science Institute & Department of Anthropology |
Cody Moser | University of California Merced, Cognitive & Information Sciences |
Melanie Moses | University of New Mexico, Dept of Computer Science |
Leo Mather Niehorster-Cook | University of Kansas, Depts of Philosophy & Cognitive Science |
Nathan Nunn | Harvard University, Dept of Economics |
Mary O'Connor | University of British Columbia, Biodiversity Research Center |
Phillip Parton | Australian National University, School of Culture, History, and Language |
Peter Peregrine | Lawrence University, Dept of Anthropology |
Alejandro Pérez Velilla | University of California Merced, Cognitive & Information Sciences |
Chris Poptic | Data Science Solutions, LLC |
Mike Price | Santa Fe Institute |
Kylie Quave | The George Washington University, Dept of Anthropology |
Guillermo Restrepo | Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences |
Nancy Retzlaff | Universität Leipzig, Institut für Infrastruktur und Ressourcenmanagement |
Stan Rhodes | Utah State University, Dept of Environment and Society |
Paul Roscoe | University of Maine, Dept of Anthropology |
Larry Samuelson | Yale University, Dept of Economics |
David Sandeford | Arizona State University, School of Human Evolution and Social Change |
Carol Schultze | Tierra Right of Way Services |
Paul Smaldino | University of California Merced, Cognitive & Information Sciences |
David B. Small | Lehigh University, Department of Sociology & Anthropology |
Peter Stadler | Universität Leipzig, Institut für Infrastruktur und Ressourcenmanagement |
Peter Turchin | University of Connecticut, Depts of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Anthropology, and Mathematics |
Shannon Tushingham | Washington State University, Dept of Anthropology |
Francis M. Tyers | Indiana University Bloomington, Higher School of Economics |
Geoff West | Santa Fe Institute |