
Evolution and dynamics of reaction networks:

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

Complexity underpins the very nature of known chemical interactions. In this paper, we offer a simulation-based model that mimics the behavior of a generic chemical reaction network. Using ideas from complex systems, we seed and evolve this reaction network with the view to study its dynamics and changing topology over time. Our simulation model allows for two sets of scenarios - the most minimal assumption of additive reactions between molecules only and the more complicated, more realistic assumption that allows for branching reactions to take place. Our results show behavior that we would expect – given a constant inflow of generic nutrients, after time eventually a steady-state system is realized. In the scenario where branching is permitted, the time to steady-state is delayed slightly due to the presence of apparent slower dynamics. This model can now be used to some of the basic assumptions of the model as well the effects of outside perturbation and other physical to the system or its environment.