
Erik Van den broecke

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

Hi, my name is Erik, and I graduated as Master of Science in Electrotechnical Engineering back in 1984, and as Master in General Management in 1985. In 1996 I graduated from a Master Class in Comparative Philosophy.

I have approximately 25 years of experience in ICT, management consulting and research.

In 2001, I started my own company ITINERA Management Services & Consulting focusing on:

  • project portfolio and program management
  • complexity and systems thinking
  • knowledge and networks
  • science & philosophy
  • personal process reengineering

As management consultant, I partner with Quint Wellington Redwood, a leading IT management consulting company.

In 2009, I became chairman of the think thank of the Royal Society of Flemish Engineers . In this function, I am starting a five year, Brussels based, program to foster 'smart leadership' in business, politics and academia, through the dissemination of complexity based decision taking processes. A first milestone has been the Brussels conference "Complexity: Friend or Foe?". in December 2009, at which Geoffrey West from Santa Fe was the keynote speaker. More info and some Youtube video clips can be found here.

Right now I am preparing the launch of a new company that will steer, manage and execute the "complexity program" in the coming years. Initial projects will study complex phenomena such as obesity in Asia, adoption of smart textiles, strategy formulation and business performance in industrial organizations. Additionally we will launch a series of complexity and systems thinking based education programs for decision takers and managers, and we will work together with Belgian education institutes to disseminate insights from complexity science to students. Furthermore we aim to set-up a virtual platform to bring complexity specialists into contact with owners of complex problems, in order to develop relevant solution scenario's. Finally we want to measure "complexity adoption" of leaders and decision takers in Belgium and Europe.

I live in Belgium, Europe, nearby Brussels, am the father of Ruben (17) and Astrid (15) and the partner of Katrien.


What are your main interests?

  • under development

What sort of expertise can you bring to the group?

  • under development

What do you hope to get out of the CSSS?

  • under development

Do you have any possible projects in mind for the CSSS?

  • under development