
Earth 2100: Scenarios of Complex Futures Agenda

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

Frankenstein's creature. Engraving by W. Chevalier after Th. von Holst, 1831. Featured as frontispiece to the 1831 edition of Shelley’s novel.

SFI ACtioN Applied Topical Meeting
Hosted by the Harvard University Center for Environment
Co-Organized by Daniel Schrag and David Krakauer

May 22, 2019
Harvard University Center for the Environment
Room 440
26 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

Agenda: Earth 2100

Day 1 -- Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Scientific Working Group (Closed Meeting -- Invited scholars only)

Day 2 -- Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Applied Topical Meeting (Open to ACtioN members and invited special guests)

9:00 am Breakfast and Registration
9:30 am Welcome and Introduction

David Krakauer, Santa Fe Institute, Daniel Schrag, Harvard University & SFI, William Tracy, Santa Fe Institute

9:45 am Earth Futures

Jennifer Dunne, Santa Fe Institute, Chris Kempes, Santa Fe Institute, Daniel Schrag, Harvard University & SFI

Discussant: Nigel Topping, We Mean Business

11:00 am Break
11:10 am The Future of Complex Intelligence

Jessica Flack, Santa Fe Institute, John Kaag, University of Massachusetts Lowell & SFI, Albert Kao, Santa Fe Institute, David Krakauer, Santa Fe Institute, Seth Lloyd, MIT & SFI

Discussant: Katherine Collins, Putnam Investments & SFI

12:45 pm Lunch
2:00 pm The Future of Human Organizations

John Geanakoplos, Yale & SFI, Geoffrey West, Santa Fe Institute, David Wolpert, Santa Fe Institute

Discussant: Syed Ghazi, Accenture

3:15 pm Break
3:30 pm Biological Futures

Walter Fontana, Harvard Medical School & SFI, Ross Hammond, Washington University, The Brookings Institution & SFI, Ashley Teufel, Santa Fe Institute

Discussant: Hui Huang, Takeda

4:45 pm Wrap-up
5:00 pm Adjourn