Deception: Methods, Motives, Contexts & Consequences
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

Santa Fe Institute Workshop Program
Thursday 1 March 2007
Welcome Reception 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Hotel Santa Fe
*Opening remarks by SFI Trustee Ford Rowan
Friday 2 March 2007
Transport from Hotel 8:00 a.m. Lobby – Hotel Santa Fe
Continental Breakfast 8:15 a.m. SFI
Meeting 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. SFI
- 9:00-9:30 — Hany Farid, Dartmouth College
- 9:30-10:00 — Fred Schauer, JFK School, Harvard University
- 10:00-10:15 — Break
- 10:15-10:45 — Paul Thompson, Dartmouth College
- 10:45-11:15 — William Glenney, US Naval War College
- 11:15-11:30 — Break
- 11:30-12:30 — Small Group Breakout Sessions
- 12:30-2:00 — Lunch
- 2:00-2:30 — Gary Urton, Harvard University
- 2:30-3:00 — Ellen O’Connor, Mills College
- 3:00-3:15 — Break
- 3:15-3:45 — Ken Fields, Stanford University
- 3:45-4:45 — Small Group Breakout Sessions
Transport to Hotel 5:00 p.m. Lobby - SFI
Group Dinner 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. Ristra Restaurant
Saturday 3 March 2007
Transport from Hotel 8:00 a.m. Lobby – Hotel Santa Fe
Continental Breakfast 8:15 a.m. SFI
Meeting 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. SFI
- 9:00-9:30 — Maureen O’Sullivan, University of San Francisco
- 9:30-10:00 — Mark Frank, SUNY Buffalo
- 10:00-10:15 — Break
- 10:15-10:45 — Jeff Hancock, Cornell University
- 10:45-11:15 — Gary Alan Fine, Northwestern University
- 11:15-11:30 — Break
- 11:30-12:30 — Small Group Breakout Sessions
- 12:30-2:00 — Lunch
- 2:00-2:30 — Guido Moellering, Max Planck Institute
- 2:30-3:00 — Tom Lutz, University of California at Riverside
- 3:00-3:15 — Break
- 3:15-3:45 — Murray Gell-Mann, Santa Fe Institute
- 3:45-4:45 — Small Group Breakout Sessions
Transport to Hotel 5:00 p.m. Lobby – SFI
Dinner On Own
Sunday 4 March 2007
Transport from Hotel 8:00 a.m. Lobby – Hotel Santa Fe
Continental Breakfast 8:15 a.m. SFI
Meeting 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. SFI
In the spirit of the adaptive, self-organizing systems to which the Santa Fe Institute dedicates much of its research, I am leaving this as a “temporal slush fund” whose purposes we can decide during the previous two days of our meeting, as new needs and interests arise. In addition, we may want to use this time to discuss the major themes and interconnections of the conference as per the list of framing questions sent to participants in late January, or to catch up in case we ran overtime on the previous days or have unfinished business (e.g., if Carl Bergstrom is able to come at the last minute and give a talk).
Buffet Luncheon 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. SFI (boxed lunch for those who must depart early)