
Daniel Wu

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

Hi Everyone, I'm very excited about the institute. I would love to meet and work with others who are interested in how computational methods and complex systems can (1) be partnered with qualitative methods, such as participant observation, interview, archival analysis, and case study, (2) shed light on social mechanisms, especially the connections between the economic, cultural, and political, and (3) further social justice and innovation.

I'm interested in how organizations strategize and navigate socio-political institutions, especially within hostile political environments. I'm particularly interested in organizations that change policies, which address the structural roots of urban inequality and build more resilient communities.

In our increasingly privatized state, public policies are not simply implemented by state actors, but are materialized in coordination with private entrepreneurs. These actors must navigate not only economic but also cultural and political realms. I explore how they do so effectively (or ineffectively) and what implications their actions have for public policy as it happens on the ground. To examine these actors and their impacts, I connect micro-level analyses of these organizations with their strategies on political fields.

For my current project, I examine how social benefit corporations, such as nonprofits that develop affordable housing, navigate urban redevelopment politics and innovate their strategies. These actors understand and respond to changing demographic and increasingly hostile contexts. Due to this empirical interest, I draw from social movements/organizations, organizational behavior, and learning theories.