
Clio Andris

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki


   * S/S: a social and spatial network analysis platform.
   * WRV: A classification method for nodes in a geographic network based on the geometries of their participant edges.
   * Support Vector Machine for Regional Variation
   * Telephone call data in the U.K. 


   * Ph.D. Urban Information Systems, MIT, 2011
   * M.S. Geography, University of South Carolina, 2008
   * B.A. American Studies, Boston University, 2006


   * MIT Senseable City Lab
   * GeoVISTA Center at the Pennsylvania State University


   * US Army Corps of Engineers
   * NASA Reason Project
   * Washington Post Organization, Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions
   * CNN/El Universal
   * National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)


Andris, C. Halverson, S. and Hardisty, F. Predicting Migration with Prior and Posterior Probabilities Forthcoming (2011) 2011 IEEE International Conference on Spatial Data Mining and Geographical Knowledge Services (ICSDM) Fuzhou, China. (email

Metrics & Methods for Social Distance. Doctoral Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology JUNE 2011 (email me)

Andris, C. (2011) Weighted Radial Variation for Node Feature Classification. ArXiv e-prints. arXiv:1102.4873v1 [] Submitted on 23 Feb 2011) link

Ratti C, Sobolevsky S, Calabrese F, Andris C, Reades J, Claxton, R and Strogatz, S. (2010) Redrawing the Map of Great Britain from a Network of Human Interactions. PLoS ONE 5(12).link

Liu, L., Andris, C. and Ratti, C. Uncovering Cabdriver’ Behavior Patterns from their Digital Traces, Computers, Engineering and Urban Systems. GeoVisualization and the Digital City -Special issue of the International Cartographic Association Commission on GeoVisualization,Vol.34 (6). (2010). link

Calabrese, F., Quercia, D., Reades, J., Andris, C., Krings, G., Rojas, F., Ratti, C., Strogatz, S. The Urban Village. NetSci2010, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge MA. (2010). Presented by Andris, C. (email me)

Martino, M., Calabrese, F., DiLorenzo, G. Andris, C., Liu, L.and Ratti,C. An Ocean of Information: Fusing Aggregate & Individual Dynamics for Metropolitan Areas. Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), (2010) link

Liu, L., Andris, C., Biderman, A.and Ratti, C. Revealing Taxi Driver’s Mobility Intelligence through his Trace, In: Movement Aware Applications for Sustainability Mobility: Technologies and Approaches. Ed. Monica Wachowicz, pp.105-120, (2010). link

Andris, C., Biderman, A., Calabrese, F., Nabian, N., and Ratti, C. City Gravity. Seed Magazine Pp. 24-26. February (2009) (Authors listed alphabetically) link

Andris, C. and Austin, T. Alternative Financing For Schools. Land Development. Vol. 22 (2). (2009). link

Andris, C. Interactive Site Suitability Modeling, ArcUser, Vol. 11 (1). (2008). link