Annual Business Network & Board of Trustees Symposium - Agenda
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Open Questions: Annual Business Network and Board of Trustees' Symposium
November 6-8, 2008
Venue: Most events at the Eldorado Hotel & Spa (300 W San Francisco Street, Santa Fe, NM 87501)
Thursday, November 6, 2008 | |
6 to 8:30 p.m. | Welcome Reception, LewAllen Contemporary Art Gallery, 129 West Palace, Santa Fe, NM 87501 |
Friday, November 7, 2008 | |
7:30 a.m. | Breakfast Buffet - Sunset Room |
8:00 | Registration and Continental Breakfast - Anasazi Room |
9:00 | Welcome and Introductory Remarks, Geoffrey B. West, President & Distinguished Professor |
9:15 | Open Questions Meeting Overview, John Miller, Carnegie Miller University and SFI |
9:30 | The Trouble with Physics, Lee Smolin, Research Professor, Perimeter Institute |
10:30 | Coffee Break - Zia Ballroom |
11:00 | The Challenge of Complexity - from the perspective of a mathematician, Donald Saari, University of California Irvine and SFI Science Board |
12:00 p.m. | The Future of Archeology - Why the Past Matters Now, Henry Wright, University of Michigan and SFI External Professor |
12:30 p.m. | Buffet Lunch - Sunset Room |
1:30 | Science Education Roundtable Moderated by John Miller, Carnegie Mellon University and SFI |
1:45 | STEM 2.0, Tom vander Ark, Managing Director, Revolution Learning and Closing the Gender Gap in Science and Math Education, Marcia Linn, University of California Berkeley |
3:15 | Coffee Break |
3:45 | A Broader View: Science Diplomacy, Nina Fedoroff, Science and Technology Advisor to the Secretary of State and SFI External Professor and Why We Must All Be Scientists at Heart, Laurence Gonzales, Author 'Deep Survival' and 'Everyday Survival |
5:00 | Discussion led by John Miller, Carnegie Mellon University and SFI |
5:15 | Adjourn |
6:15 | Shuttles to Santa Fe Institute - Depart from front entrance of Eldorado on W. San Francisco Street (please note, parking is very limited at SFI) |
6:30 | Dinner and Open House 'SFI at 25' |
8:30 | Shuttles depart continuously to Eldorado and downtown Santa Fe |
Saturday, November 8, 2008 | |
7:30 a.m. | Breakfast Buffet - Sunset Room |
8:00 | Registration and Continental Breakfast - Anasazi Ballroom |
9:00 | Network Theory: Promises and Limitations, Mark Newman, University of Michigan and SFI External Professor |
10:00 | The Future of Individual Identity, John Clippinger, Berkman Center for Law and Society and author of A Crowd of One: The Future of Individual Identity |
11:00 | Break |
11:30 | The Future of Medicine - Individualized Medicine for the Sick and the Healthy, Avidan Neumann, Bar llan University and SFI External Professor |
12:15 p.m. | Buffet Lunch - Sunset Room |
1:15 | Business Network Roundtable - Deep Pervasive, and Unbranded: SFI's First 25 Years of Influence on Business Thinking, Eric Bonabeau, Founder & CEO, Icosystem |
2:00 | Roundtable Presentations - Open Questions (20 Minutes each): Mark Greiner, Senior VP, Workspace Futures, Steelcase, Inc.; Dan Fay, Director of External Research for Earth, Energy and Environment, Microsoft Research; Martin Reeves, Senior Partner and Director, Boston Consulting Group |
3:00 | Coffee Break |
3:30 | Business Network Roundtable Presentations Continue: Eleanor Wynn and Brian Bramlett, Intel Corporation; John H. Hagel III, Deloitte Center for Edge Innovation; Rick Stevens, Senior VP Human Resources and Administration and Executive Council Member, The Boeing Company |
4:30 | Wrap Up Discussion led by Jon Wilkins, SFI |
5:00 | Adjourn |
THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED GALA DINNER - This is not part of the Symposium. Attendees must purchase a ticket to attend | |
5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. | Leaders Reception - Presidential Suite (for ticket holder only) |
6:00 | Cocktails on the Road - Pavilion (for ticket holders only) |
7:00 - 10:00 | Dinner and Entertainment - Pavilion (for ticket holders only) |
LEADER TICKETS | $1,000/person or $8,000/table (Leader's Reception, Cocktails on the Road, Dinner and Entertainment) |
TRAVELER TICKETS | $500/person or $300/Bnet members (Cocktails on the Road, Dinner and Entertainment) |