
Ana Martin Gonzalez

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

I am a PhD student at the CREAF/Unit of Ecology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. I am mainly working with a pollination community south of Barcelona, trying to figure out its structure and dynamics using a network approach. So far we have been recording data on flower-pollinator interactions during three consecutive years, as well as several insect and floral characteristics, very important in order to understand why some interactions occur and some don't. Previously I have also been working with similar communities in the Caribbean for my MSc (great place!). My background is purely ecology, although I have been browsing through some social network analysis concepts in order to apply them to ecological communities.

1. What are your main interests? Feel free to include a "pie in the sky" big idea!

I am mainly studying species interactions and how these are structured in a community context. Lately I am especially interested in the temporal dynamics of these communities and which characteristics, if any, make a species more central (also related to temporal fluctuations).

2. What sorts of expertise can you bring to the group?

As a pollination ecologist I have a pretty good background on general community ecology and particularly on literature dealing with species interactions. About complex systems, I know basic stuff, mostly what is related to the kind of systems I am working on.

3. What do you hope to get out of the CSSS?

Many things!! First of all, learning the basics on complex systems. After, I am very much looking forward learning new tools/ideas/views that I can apply on my studies, like programming, modeling….all those things traditional ecologist lack!!

4. Do you have any possible projects in mind for the CSSS?

Nothing concrete, really. I am pretty much for anything that has to do with species interactions (especially pollination!!). I can see that some people have also been working with trophic interactions, which would also be fun. In a more theoretical way, if anyone is interested in temporal dynamics!!