
Amir Goldberg

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

I am a Ph.D student in the Sociology Department at Princeton University. I also hold an MA from the Center for Urban and Community Research in Goldsmiths College, University of London, and a B.Sc in Computer Science and Film from Tel Aviv University in my native Israel. So as you can imagine, my interests are pretty much all over the place. But I suppose they all share one underlying theme, which is the interplay between culture and technology. I am particularly fascinated by the possibility of understanding ‘cultures’, that is, collectively shared symbolic structures of meaning, as spontaneously emergent systems that normatively regulate social conduct. I am looking for ways to apply this theoretical concept in dissecting the cultural processes of our so-called ‘information age’, such as the new types of personal relationships shaped by online communication, or the growing fuzziness of corporate structures which seem to be increasingly modeled on the internet. I suspect this might change by the time we meet.

Looking forward to seeing you all in Santa Fe this June.

amirg (at) princeton (dot) edu