
2012 Annual Business Network and Board of Trustees Symposium - Agenda

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Symposium Program:

Thursday, November 1

La Posada de Santa Fe

Evening Opening Reception, Keynote Presentation with Michael Mandelbaum

5:30 pm Cocktail Reception
7:00 pm Keynote Presentation - Is America Resilient?, Michael Mandelbaum

Friday, November 2

All-day symposium, La Posada de Santa Fe, Montana Ballroom

Evening Reception at Santa Fe Institute

7:30 am Breakfast and Registration
8:30 am Welcome, Chris Wood, Santa Fe Institute
8:45 am Santa Fe Institute Postdoctoral Fellows Brief Research Introductions (Group 1), Led By Doug Erwin, Santa Fe Institute
9:15 am Introduction to Resilience, Doug Erwin, Santa Fe Institute
9:30 am Building Resilience in an Urban World, Abhas K. Jha, World Bank
10:45 am Break
11:15 am Resilience and Stability of Complex Systems: An Ecological Perspective, Jennifer Dunne, Santa Fe Institute and Pacific Ecoinformatics and Computational Ecology Lab
12:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Santa Fe Institute Postdoctoral Fellows Brief Research Introductions (Group 2), Led By Doug Erwin, Santa Fe Institute
2:00 pm Climate Resilience, Daniel Schrag, Harvard University
3:15 pm Break
3:45 pm Robustness and Fragility in Social and Technological Networks, Mark Newman, Santa Fe Institute and University of Michigan
5:00 pm Adjourn
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Cocktail Reception, Santa Fe Institute

Please enjoy your exploration of fine Santa Fe restaurants on your own for dinner this evening.

Saturday, November 3

Final Day of Symposium, La Posada de Santa Fe, Montana Ballroom

7:30 am Breakfast and Registration
8:30 am Resilience in Computing, Stephanie Forrest, Santa Fe Institute and University of New Mexico
9:45 am Break
10:15 am Measuring Economic Resilience to Disasters, Adam Rose, University of Southern California
11:30 pm Lunch (Working Lunch for Business Network Members in Canyon Room)
12:30 pm Resilience Panel Discussion
2:00 pm Adjourn and refreshments

Cowan Legacies Symposium

2:30 pm Introduction Jerry Sabloff President, Santa Fe Institute
Mahzarin Banaji, Cowan Professor, SFI, and Richard Clarke Cabot Professor of Social Ethics, Harvard Unfortunately, Dr. Banaji can't be with us because of illness.
2:35 pm Robert Boyd, Cowan Professor, SFI, and Professor of Anthropology, University of California-Los Angeles
3:20 pm Ricardo Hausmann, Cowan Professor, SFI, Professor of the Practice of Economic Development, Harvard University, and Director of the Harvard Center for International Development
4:05 pm Adjourn

Please enjoy your exploration of fine Santa Fe restaurants on your own for dinner this evening.