
2002 Complex Systems Summer School Santa Fe

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

2002 Complex Systems Summer School Santa Fe

Santa Fe School June 9 to July 6, 2002, in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. Held at the campus of St. John's College. Administered by the Santa Fe Institute.

Director: Melanie Mitchell, Santa Fe Institute

Laboratory Director: Ray Goldstein, University of Arizona

General Description

An intensive introduction to complex behavior in mathematical, physical, living, and social systems for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in the sciences and social sciences. Open to students in all countries. Students are expected to choose one school and attend the full four weeks.

Week 1 - Intensive series of lectures and laboratories introducing foundational ideas and tools of complex systems research. The topics will include nonlinear dynamics and pattern formation, statistical mechanics and stochastic processes, information theory and computation theory, adaptive computation, computer modeling tools, and specific applications of these core topics to various disciplines.

Weeks 2 and 3 - Lectures and panel discussions on current research in complex systems.

The topics this year are:

  • Foundations of Complex Systems (including nonlinear dynamics, information and computation theory, and evolution and adaptation)
  • Adaptive Computation
  • Network Structure and Dynamics
  • Cultural Evolution
  • Immunology and Distributed Autonomous Systems
  • Robustness in Biological Systems