Power Laws and the Growth of Religious Sects
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Dan Dennett has this idea that the spread of religion is basically about competition in the intellectual marketplace - an idea is offered up and people attach to/accept it based on some sort of free market kinds of dynamics. My idea is to pursue a "natural" ramification of this - that is to look for a power law in the way in which these market dynamics evolve. I.e., can we see if we find a power law in affiliation - i.e., numbers of people in various "sects" or religious groups - basically like wealth distribution related to religious ideas. It has a natural generative model, so it would be an interesting little note, but needs a good source of data.
Along similar lines, I wonder if it would be possible to construct a phylogenetic tree that shows the diversity/disparity growth in religious ideas - again, charting the development of sects, splinter groups, etc.
Finally, one could try to do the same thing w/respect to the evolution of terrorist groups (pick your favorite - ugh - conflict).