The Complexity of Sustainability and Investing Agenda
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
SFI ACtioN Virtual Topical Meeting
May 27-28, 2020
Co-sponsored by ACtioN member Putnam Investments
May 27, 2020
8:00 am US Mountain Time (10:00 am EDT, 2:00 pm GMT)
The first day of the meeting will feature a talk by Daniel Schrag, Harvard University and Santa Fe Institute, and a practitioner panel moderated by Katherine Collins, Putnam Investments and Santa Fe Institute.
May 28, 2020
8:00 am US Mountain Time (10:00 am EDT, 2:00 pm GMT)
The second day of the meeting will feature talks by Simon Levin, Princeton University and Santa Fe Institute, and Jessika Trancik, Masschusetts Institute of Technology and Santa Fe Institute, and a practitioner panel moderated by Katherine Collins, Putnam Investments and Santa Fe Institute.