
Assessing the Promise of Artificial Intelligence Agenda

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

SFI ACtioN Roundtable

March 12, 2020
Goldman Sachs Headquarters
200 West Street
New York, NY 10282

Agenda: Assessing the Promise of Artificial Intelligence

9:00 am Breakfast and Registration
9:30 am Welcome and Introduction

William Tracy, Santa Fe Institute

9:45 am Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans

Melanie Mitchell, Santa Fe Institute and Portland State University

10:45 am New AI Techniques for Evaluating Firms and Other Organizations

Mike Price, Santa Fe Institute

11:45 am Lunch
12:45 pm Turing Tests for Creative Intelligence

Dan Rockmore, Dartmouth College and Santa Fe Institute

1:45 pm Collective Computation

Jessica Flack, Santa Fe Institute

2:45 pm Break
3:00 pm The Ethical Algorithm

Michael Kearns, University of Pennsylvania and Santa Fe Institute

4:00 pm Adjourn
4:30 pm Cocktail Reception at local venue. Dinner on your own.