Complex Time, Markets, and Organizational Risk
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
SFI ACtioN Topical Meeting
New York City, New York
Over the next five years the Santa Fe Institute is pursuing a far-reaching project exploring Complex Time - Adaptation, Aging, and the Arrow of Time. Among other objectives, we hope this program will provide insights on both (i) the longevity and aging of complex systems and (ii) the collapse and death of complex systems. In this special roundtable discussion, we will explore the economic dimensions to complex time through panels that mix leading scholars and practitioners.
Specifically, the topics for discussion include:
- Company dynamics: the birth and death of companies
- Minds in Time: temporal discounting, swarming, and irrationality
- Investment time: optimal horizons of the portfolio
- Economics and Entropy: long-term economic cycles
- Global Institutional Transformation: Economic history and institutional futures
The most up to date information about SFI’s current work on Complex Time can be found on our Complex Time wiki.