Spyridon Kotsovilis
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
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I am originally from Athens, Greece, where I lived until the age of 18. I did my BA at the University of Toronto in Peace and Conflict Studies with Thomas Homer-Dixon and also studied Game Theory under the late Anatol Rapoport. After a brief time at Harvard to pursue the study of Medical Ethics, I returned to Canada for an MA in Political Science with Hudson Meadwell at McGill University in Montreal. Currently, I am doing my PhD in Political Science under Juliet Johnson also at McGill. Specifically, I am looking at recent East European and Post-Soviet mass mobilizations (democratizing ‘revolutions’ like the Serbian ‘Bulldozer’, the Georgian ‘Rose’ and the Ukrainian ‘Orange’ one) and their outcomes from a complex networks’ perspective. Beyond the academic realm, I am also one of the members of the Canadian branch of Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders), and my extra-curricular hobbies include basketball, chess, Russian literature and tango. As can be deduced from this bio sketch, I favour inter-disciplinary approaches to intellectual problems and puzzle-solving, and I am looking forward to the Complex System’s school to exchange ideas and learn more about complex systems and dynamic processes.