
Johan Nystrom

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Revision as of 16:32, 2 May 2007 by Nystjoha (talk | contribs) (big update)


I'm Johan Nyström, and I'm currently doing my PhD in Complex Systems at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.

Main topic of research: Theoretical foundation of meso-scale simulation techniques.

So, what does this mean...

By meso-scale we refer to the scale above the atomic/molecular level, but below a macroscopic description. There are several ways (some more ad hoc than other) to describe systems on the mesoscopic level. My work is centered around coarse-graining techniques, i.e. methods of going from the molecular to the mesoscopic scale in a consistent way.

On my spare time (yes I do have some spare time... :P ), I like sports, poker, partying, cooking, reading, ...

Reeeaaaly looking forward to come to Santa Fe... First time in the US, so it will be very exciting. I'm also planning to see New York prior to the summer school, and travel around California afterwards.

email: nystjoha(at)chalmers(dot)se

Publications: A. Eriksson, M. Nilsson Jacobi, J. Nyström, K. Tunstrøm, Determining the interactions in dissipative particle dynamics from molecular dynamics, submitted to PRL Apr. 2007, available at [1]