
Ilker Aslantepe

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Complex Systems Summer School 2016


Ilker Aslantepe, The New School for Social Research - New York City NY USA

I. Aslantepe is a PhD student in economics and research assistant at the New School for Social Research in New York. His main research interests lie in Computability Theory and Constructive Analysis and the intersection of Bayesian reasoning, information theory, combinatorics and statistical equilibrium.

Staying away from all kinds of orthodoxies, including orthodox heterodoxies, his current works focus on the algorithmic foundations of economic theory and combinatorial aspects of non-convex economies, in which the notions of division of labor, specialization and increasing returns are of central importance, in the light of the works of classical political economists such as A. Smith, D. Ricardo, and K. Marx where the self-organizing character of capitalist economy is revealed as a complex, adaptive, non-equilibrium system.

He has also a keen interest in non-linear, endogenous theories of business cycles and their remarkably deep intuitions in terms of capturing the structural properties of capitalist economies, motivated by their most fertile and intellectually challenging roots in the works of Malthus/Ricardo, Marx/Schumpeter, Mitchell/Wicksell and Keynes/Harrod/Goodwin.

Beyond and behind his academic interests, he considers philosophy, mythology, literature and every form of art, from painting to architecture to poetry, to be an important catalyst for enjoying and understanding the life as one having a life at “the edge”. Never say NO to hiking.