Research Experiences for Undergraduates 2014-Participants
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Research Experiences for Undergraduates 2014 |
- Non NSF Funded Undergraduate Intern
Randy Andrews
My name is Randy Andrews, and I am an Engineering Physics student at NMSU in Las Cruces. I chose this degree path because of the way it ties together laws and principals of physics with concrete application. Specifically, I concentrate on mechanical engineering because it opens up doors in research, development, and analysis. Outside of class, I stay involved on my university's campus. I am active in the Outdoor Leadership Program, Phi Delta Theta, and the Society of Physics Students. Having grown up in Albuquerque, I love the desert. Summer is my favorite season because it is the best time for long boarding and backpacking. As hobbies, I am also interested in fitness, theater, and logic games.
Jess Banks
Jess is a third year mathematics major at Oberlin College with research experience in graph theory and quantitative cultural geography. Born and raised in Madison, WI, Jess is a songwriter and jazz guitarist with a passion for running, overalls, and the work of Pablo Neruda, Leonhard Euler, and Erykah Badu.
Riley Burkart
Bio Coming Soon
Alexander Daniels
Alexander Daniels is a physics major at the University of Delaware. His research interests include system dynamics and meta-mathematics. His hobbies include singing, writing, and hiking.
Haedi DeAngelis
I was born and raised in Albuquerque, NM before I moved to the Chicago area for college. At Trinity International University I am currently a junior studying mathematics and bio-ethics. Some favorite pastimes include skateboarding, coffee, and homework.
Madeleine Fort
I'm born and raised in Santa Fe and went to Santa Fe Preparatory School for secondary school. For the past year, I have been attending Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering in Boston Mass. I hope to graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering.
Marcus Levine
I hail from sunny South Florida, but attend college at Columbia University in New York City. To facilitate my broad academic interests, I chose to double major in astrophysics and philosophy. My elective coursework focuses on the intersection between physics and philosophy, employing critical reason to make sense of foundational issues in physics ranging from the arrow of time to the interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Outside my formal studies, I have worked as a professional theater technician since high school; my speciality is lighting. Since freshman year I have been an active member of Columbia's swing dance club, along with the wider NYC swing dance community, and I look forward to seeking out the Santa Fe swing dance scene. I also volunteer occasionally with the Columbia Astronomy department's public outreach program, operating rooftop telescopes for public observing. I am happy to go stargazing with anyone on a clear night — I imagine the skies in Santa Fe are much darker than New York's!
Jonah Nonomaque*
Bio coming soon
Cody O'Farrell*
I am from California, but I currently live in Santa Fe, where I attend St. John's College. My current interests are 3D printing and daydreaming about difficult math problems. In my free time, I like to go hiking and read. My research interests are broad, I hope to solidify questions that will lead into lines of inquiry that span multiple disciplines. I am excited to study at SFI because the collaborative and mixed culture will help me generate new ideas and new questions.
Emily Robertson
Hi, I'm Emily, an economics major and math minor at Portland State University. I'm currently in my junior year. I grew up in the San Francisco Bay area, and have lived in Portland for the last five years or so. I'm all about the "social" aspect of social sciences, and I'm interested in exploring the ways that our social habits and connections are connected to our financial ones. I've also been a professional baker for the last 8 years, and am totally on Team Cake. In my spare (ha!) time I enjoy hiking in the beautiful Pacific Northwest and wandering around antique shops. While in Santa Fe, I plan on eating about a million sopapillas.
Bryan Wilder
I’m studying computer science at the University of Central Florida, with a minor in math. My interests lie in simulations of cultural evolution, as well as models of how evolvability and complexity come about in biological systems such as gene regulatory networks. Generally, I want to use simulation to study the emergent properties of biological and social systems with an emphasis on the role of evolution and network dynamics. Outside of academics, I enjoy fencing, video games, and sci-fi/fantasy novels, as well as coaching high school debate.
Emma Wolinsky
Born and raised in Santa Fe, New Mexico, I am now a student at UC Berkeley. I am interested in studying biological systems through computation, and learning as much as I can. I like roller skating and spicy food.