Research Experiences for Undergraduates 2014-Mentors
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Research Experiences for Undergraduates 2014 |
REU Program Principle Investigator (PI)
Cristopher Moore, Santa Fe Institute, Resident Faculty
Potential Mentors and Projects
Alfred Hubler, Santa Fe Institute, External Faculty
Project 1 and 2: [[Media:hublerab.pdf |The Physics of a Thought and Why do Sand Castles Fall?]
Aviv Bergman, Santa Fe Institute, External Faculty
Ben Althouse, Santa Fe Institute, Omidyar Fellow
David Wolpert, Santa Fe Institute, Resident Faculty
Project 1: Exploring Information Exchange and Universals in Social Organization (Mentor Group: David Wolpert, Henry Wright, and Eric Rupley)
Project 2: Uncovering Hidden Structure in Microbiome (Mentor Group: David Wolpert, Eric Libby, and James O'Dwyer (from afar))
Eric Libby, Santa Fe Institute, Omidyar Fellow
Project 1: The Evolutionary Origins of Developmental Programs
Project 2: Uncovering Hidden Structure in Microbiome (Mentor Group: David Wolpert, Eric Libby, and James O'Dwyer (from afar))
Eric Rupley, Santa Fe Institute, Researcher
Project 1: Exploring Information Exchange and Universals in Social Organization (Mentor Group: David Wolpert, Henry Wright, and Eric Rupley)
Evandro Ferrada, Santa Fe Institute, Omidyar Fellow
Pan Zhang, Santa Fe Institute, Postdoctoral Fellow
Project 1: Solve recommendation problem by stochastic block modeling and Message-passing
Ruben Andrist, Santa Fe Institute, Omidyar Fellow
Sam Scarpino, Santa Fe Institute, Omidyar Fellow
Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Santa Fe Institute, Resident Faculty
Projects 1 and 2: Words in languages often display polysemy and Languages change over time at various levels