Research Experiences for Undergraduates 2014-Mentors
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Research Experiences for Undergraduates 2014 |
=REU Program Principle Investigator (PI)
Cristopher Moore, Santa Fe Institute, Resident Faculty
Potential Mentors and Projects
Alfred Hubler, Santa Fe Institute, External Faculty
Aviv Bergman, Santa Fe Institute, External Faculty
Ben Althouse, Santa Fe Institute, Omidyar Fellow
David Wolpert, Santa Fe Institute, Resident Faculty
Project 1: Exploring Information Exchange and Universals in Social Organization (Mentor Group: David Wolpert, Henry Wright, and Eric Rupley)
Project 2: Uncovering Hidden Structure in Microbiome (Mentor Group: David Wolpert, Eric Libby, and James O'Dwyer (from afar))
Eric Libby, Santa Fe Institute, Omidyar Fellow
Project 1: [[Media:ericlibbyab.pdf |The Evolutionary Origins of Developmental Programs]
Project 2: Uncovering Hidden Structure in Microbiome (Mentor Group: David Wolpert, Eric Libby, and James O'Dwyer (from afar))
Eric Rupley, Santa Fe Institute, Researcher
Project 1: Exploring Information Exchange and Universals in Social Organization (Mentor Group: David Wolpert, Henry Wright, and Eric Rupley)
Evandro Ferrada, Santa Fe Institute, Omidyar Fellow
Pan Zhang, Santa Fe Institute, Postdoctoral Fellow
Pan Project Abstract Pan Project Abstract