
Marcus Levine

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Research Experiences for Undergraduates 2014


I hail from sunny South Florida, but attend college at Columbia University in New York City. To facilitate my broad academic interests, I chose to double major in astrophysics and philosophy. My elective coursework focuses on the intersection between physics and philosophy, employing critical reason to make sense of foundational issues in physics ranging from the arrow of time to the interpretation of quantum mechanics.

Outside my formal studies, I have worked as a professional theater technician since high school; my speciality is lighting. Since freshman year I have been an active member of Columbia's swing dance club, along with the wider NYC swing dance community, and I look forward to seeking out the Santa Fe swing dance scene. I also volunteer occasionally with the Columbia Astronomy department's public outreach program, operating rooftop telescopes for public observing. I am happy to go stargazing with anyone on a clear night — I imagine the skies in Santa Fe are much darker than New York's!