
Competitive Strategies in Complex Systems - Travel Information

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Revision as of 17:13, 16 November 2006 by Kfrew (talk | contribs)
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If you have any questions or concerns regarding travel arrangements or for further assistance, please contact Betty Tully or at 401-367-0040 xt. 122.

Accommodations: The following Newport-area hotels are recommended - please contact the hotel directly for rates and availability:

Tel: 401-847-3300 and Reservations: 800-556-7126

  • Hyatt Regency Newport: 1 Goat Island, Newport, RI 02840

Tel: 401-851-1234 and Reservations: 866-349-3607

  • Marriott Newport: 25 Americas Cup Avenue, Newport, RI 02840

Tel: 401-849-1000 and Reservations: 888-236-2427

  • Sanford-Covell Villa Marina:72 Washington Street, Newport, RI 02840. Amenities include free wireless and rates averaging $85-155 per night. To make a reservation at the Sanford-Covell, please contact Betty Tully or at 401-367-0040 xt. 122.

Travel Recommmendations:

  • Car rental is recommended for travel from the airport to hotels, as well as the conference venue.
  • Amtrak from New York City area: Take Amtrak to Kingston, RI station and take or cab into Newport, OR From the Providence, RI station, renting a car is recommended for transportation into Newport.

For more information regarding travel to and visiting Newport, please visit the following sites: