Jody Wright
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Complex Systems Summer School 2013 |
Media:Jody standrews.JPG I am currently a PhD student in microbial oceanography and bioinformatics at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. I am interested in network interactions among microbes in marine microbial communities, particularly in how microbes can cooperate to complete essential metabolic pathways. I am fascinated by networks, and I am interested in comparing the global and local structure of networks (biological and non-biological) to understand the properties of the underlying systems. More broadly, I am interested in the application of complex systems science to understand the formation and properties of human societies, cities, and ecosystems. I am also really interested in design, information visualization, and science communication. I enjoy many sports including cycling, skiing, running, yoga, and ultimate frisbee, in addition to playing around with photography and guitar. My B.Sc. is in Environmental Science (Simon Fraser University, Vancouver).
- I brought my road bike to Santa Fe and would love to get together for rides if anyone is interested - send me a note at I'm also interested in checking out some yoga classes in town, running, or renting mountain bikes for a weekend adventure.