
Mehmet Cakir

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Revision as of 21:51, 25 March 2013 by Cakir (talk | contribs)
Complex Systems Summer School 2013

I'm a PhD student in Interdisciplinary Center for Bioinformatics/Leipzig University. Meantime I'm also studying Physics in University Leipzig. I have my background in Molecular Biology and Genetics. However my broad range of interests and utterly puzzled mind forced me to study in Bioinformatics.

In my PhD I’ve worked in a couple of projects that span a diverse set of subjects. I started with studying on next generation sequencing data analysis. My work in high throughput data analysis led me to the regulatory patterns between genes. Thence I started my project on finding Boolean implications in high throughput gene expression data of different kinds, i.e. next generation sequencing and microarrays. The resultant networks from Boolean implication analysis raised the question “what does the structure of resultant network tell us about the data?”. This question inevitably directed me to structure and dynamics of biological networks. I hope to get new ideas and insight from CSSS on network dynamics, while I hope to offer the same :)