
OpEd Draft: Further criticism of the airport expansion in the light of the coming taxation of airline tickets - Therese Hertel

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OpEd Draft by Therese Hertel

To be published in German in the regional newspaper for Kassel city/county (HNA)

Further criticism of the airport expansion in the light of the coming taxation of airline tickets

The current discussion about the airline tax, which the federal government wants to establish, puts a new light and a new reason for critic towards the expansion of the small regional airport Kassel-Calden that the Hesse state government has already commenced. It is time to rethink the need for economically and ecological sustainability again.

Despite the hasty cry of the aviation industry, the taxation of airline tickets is a necessary and timely measure to implement the national and international efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions effectively.

The planned tax for each flight of a German airport would be up to 13 € for short flights up to 2,500 km and € 26 for long haul mileage out of this. Airline operators indicate that the additional costs will be reflected in rising fares. They expect a decline in passenger numbers and as a result about 10,000 fewer jobs.

Should the airline industry really experienced a loss of passenger numbers and layoffs are not around to make the necessary savings, first savings would probably be made first at small, regional airports - such as the Airport Kassel-Calden -. As a tax on kerosene (in this case, indirectly through taxes on air travel) is long overdue and an opposite decision is not sustainable, its time for the German airlines to adapted. I am of the opinion that these changes required a renunciation of small regional airports.

Rather continue investing in a doomed project from the start, the state government should as soon as possible realize their mistakes and change course. Possible alternatives to the expansion of the airport, that would strengthen the economic region of North Hesse as well, are an extension of the rail and regional transport. Additional measures should aim at improving the technology of used buses and trains.

By investing in an improved transportation system the state government could make a lasting contribution to environmental protection while improving the environment for the creation of new companies in the region. Innovative ideas and their implementation could be a model for sustainable, environmentally conscious regional policy.

Words: 362

This is not the ultimate draft. I will included further details when i am back in Germany and have talked to involved parties.