
Carolina De la Rosa Tincopa

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I’m forester by training with 7 years of experience in Forest Management in Peru. I started working as a program assistant in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve project. Our team was in charge of the non-wood forest products transformation and commercialization. After that, I worked as a Policy Officer in the implementation of the Peruvian Forestry Law for almost 3 years. After undertaking intensive coursework in community forestry at CATIE, Costa Rica, I worked as a community forestry specialist at the Instituto del Bien Comun in the Ampiyacu project in Iquitos, Peru. I was responsible for implementing a forest management program with indigenous and non-indigenous forest communities.

I also hold a Master degree in Geography and the environment. After accumulating seven years of extensive experience on the ground working on smallholder projects across the country, I received a Ford Foundation fellowship and did my master at the University of Texas at Austin. My thesis research was on local governance and logging practices in community-based enterprises in the Peruvian Amazon.

I’m currently in the US working in projects with the Forests Dialogue (TFD), IUCN and Yale University which involve coordination of multi-stakeholder processes related to forests and climate change. I’m particularly interested in the interaction between people and forests, both in ecological and social terms. I’m also interested in linking the local perspective with global initiatives and the corporate sector in sustainable forest management.

My personal interests include traveling, dance, biking and running.