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Slides from presentations
Russel. "The Alkaline Solution to the Onset of Life." [PowerPoint] (29.4 MB).
Srinivasan, V. and H.J. Morowitz. "Cofactors & Intermediary Metabolism in the Early Assembly of Cellular Life." [PowerPoint] (2.7 MB) [MicroSoft Word] (52 KB).
Tivey, M. "The Range of Physical and Chemical Environments Within Active Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems." [Presentation] (PowerPoint 3.3 MB) [References] (Microsoft Word 37 KB)
Further reading from participants
Amend, J.P. and A. Teske. "Expanding frontiers in deep subsurface microbiology." Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 219 (April 11 2005): 131-155. [PDF] (416 KB).
Cowen, J. P. "The microbial biosphere of sediment-buried oceanic basement." Research in Microbiology 155 (2004): 497–506. [PDF] (369 KB).
D'Hondt, S., et al. "Distributions of Microbial Activities in Deep Subseafloor Sediments." Science 306 (December 24, 2004): 2216-2221. [PDF] (312 KB).
DeLong, E.F. "Microbial Life Breathes Deep." Science 306 (December 24, 2004): 2198-2130. [PDF] (352 KB).
Furnesa H., N. Banerjeea, K. Muehlenbachsb, and A Kontinenc. "Preservation of biosignatures in metaglassy volcanic rocks from the Jormua ophiolite complex, Finland." Precambrian Research 136 (2005): 125–137. [PDF] (776 KB).
Hoehler, T.M. "Biological energy requirements as quantitative boundary conditions for life in the subsurface." Geobiology 2 4 (2004): 205–215. [PDF] (192 KB).
Lollar, B.S., et al. "Unravelling abiogenic and biogenic sources of methane in the Earth’s deep subsurface." Chemical Geology 226 (2006): 328–339. [PDF] (368 KB).
Lovley, D.R. and F.H. Chapelle. "Deep subsurface microbial processes." Reviews of Geophysics 33 3 (1995): 365-381. [PDF] (2.4 MB).
Nealson, K.H. "Hydrogen and energy flow as 'sensed' by molecular genetics." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102 (2005): 3889-3890. [PDF] (224 KB).
Parkes, R John, et al. "Deep sub-seafloor prokaryotes stimulated at interfaces over geological time." Nature 436 (2005): 390-394. [PDF] (404 KB).