Summer School on Global Sustainability-Working Group Wiki Page
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Please refer to the Complex Systems Summer School groups page to get an idea of self organization and working groups.
Cluster Research Ideas
Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity, Food and Ag
1) How can the global food and land-use systems decrease their negative environmental impact and adapt to climate change while mitigating its effects?
2) Expanding and standardizing measurement, monitoring, and verification of global ecosystem services.
3) How can we sustainably use ocean and freshwater systems (drinking water, fishing, aquaculture, recreation, and biodiversity)?
Developing World
4) How to foster innovation/knowledge sharing within the developing world in regards to improving livelihoods & ensuring sustainability? (e.g. Indeigenous Knowledge, solutions appropriate for agricultural lifestyles)?
5) How would technological transfer from developed to developing nations (or vice versa) for climate change adaptation and mitigation actually occur? (e.g. acocuntability, $$, open source software, govt to govt, private to private, incentives for innovation)
6) How do we get to an equitable distribution of responsibility for climate change mitigation & adaptation around the globe? (e.g. emission reduction burdens, adaptation funds, ranking vulnerability)
Policy/Regulatory Environment
7) How can complexity science support streamlining development and adoption of technologies and practices?
8) How to effectively translate research into policy, practice and intervention (with diverse collaborators, partnerships, initiatives, etc.)
9) How do we transform policies affecting global sustainability (path dependence, complex adaptive policy, integration, scalability, etc.)
10) What types of policies can promote sustainability and how to meaningfully enforce them? (individual initiatives, systems approaches, international agreements)
Decision Sciences
11) How do we understand/how do we change/what are the rules of the game, especially as applied to: economic growth theory agricultural/eco systems social systems?
12) What drives societal transformation (in terms of values, norms, practices, and livelihoods strategies) & how can complex system science help to productively shed light on those processes?
Climate Change
13) How can we better quantify uncertainty when we are in uncharted territory of the climate system (where change is happening faster and involving feedbacks we don't yet understand?
14) How do we develop useful integrated models? Are there feedback mechanisms that we don't understand?
15) How does climate change affect uncertainties and challenges in modeling de-carbonization & the energy system?
Human Well-Being, Sociology, Advocacy
16) How can we best change consumption and political behaviors?
17) How can population growth be part of the dialogue?
18) What techniques & strategies from past social movements can be used to initiate and sustain new social movements?
19) How do cultural conceptions of nature influence sustainability? What kind of educational strategies are needed to foster values that facilitate sustainability?
20) How can we anticipate & mitigate resource-based human conflicts?
Mitigation and Adaptation
21) What technologies are still needed to evaluate environmental impacts?
22) What is our vision for a sustainable future?
23) Which low-carbon or carbon neutral technologies or practices are needed, or need to be developed for a sustainable future?
24) To what degree does heterogeneity facilitate the adoption & spread of sustainable technologies or practices?
25) Are entropy and sustainability opposing or supporting forces? Under what conditions?
26) Can ideas from complexity be used to improve integrated design practices for new technology (and retrofit technology?)
27) What methods can be used and developed to quantify interactions between previously developed models of human, physical, and economic systems?
Mitigation and Adaptation Continued
28) How will we address projected phosphorus shortages? (2020-2050)
29) How are adaptation ideas distributed or shared? (Technology/Idea Transfer)
30) Can localization become an adaptive strategy?
31) What technologies or tools are still needed to evaluate environmental impacts?
Proposals for Combination
- 2 and 21
- 7 and 26 and 4
- 12 and 18
- 15 and 23 and 6
- 8 and 9 and 16
- 1 and 3
- 1 and 27
- 12 16 and 19
Op-Ed Paragraphs
Ecosystem Services
While the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will have catastrophic consequences if not reversed, when planning for future sustainability, it is imperative to better understand ecosystems and the goods and services they provide. A globally integrated system to measure, monitor, model, verify and communicate the current state of ecosystem services and how they respond to natural and anthropogenic changes is needed. In order to identify patterns and processes that are emergent at various scales, a wide range of data are needed across various spatial and temporal scales. Collecting and analyzing the flows of ecosystem services needs to be used as an input to a broad range of policies to ensure the future availability of these important services. This needs to be coupled to the appropriate distillation of data and trends for consumption by the general public. Systems that humans depend on for the continuous delivery of goods and services relating to food, water, climate and health are highlighted in the proposal as important agenda items for future research relating to ecosystem services and human well-being.
Modeling and Complexity Science Approaches to Sustainability (With Particular Application to Climate Change)
Given the urgency of addressing the climate change problem, there is a need for new tools to model and understand the most effective pathways to de-carbonization, and to better quantify uncertainty, non-linear behavior, and feedback-mechanisms that are predicted both in physical climate models and those that incorporate interactions between the human, biological, and physical climate systems. These tools are of further use for other areas of broader sustainability research. The ability to better quantify interactions between previously developed models of human, technological, and economic systems with those of natural earth systems are needed to evaluate environmental impacts. We believe that human-biology-climate interactions are a critical area of climate science modeling, because these feedbacks either mitigate warming or amplify the consequences of warming. Furthermore, such interactions are currently the least understood or directly evaluated. Just as climate models depend on models of emissions, emissions models depend on an underlying model of the collective behavior of humans via a range of different scenarios of human population growth, development, technological change, and trade coupled by a general equilibrium model framework. We raise the question whether the underlying models of human interaction used in the context of energy and climate modeling are useful tools, given that they contain several weaknesses, namely (1) a lack of interaction with the climate system and the Earth's biology, which itself interacts with the climate system (2) ignorance of the presence and interactions of particular actors such as individual firms, utilities, and governments that provide mechanism to the collective behavior (3) an inability to explore how different desired emissions futures might come about, (4) the possibility of fundamental and rapid changes in social attitudes and behaviors. We believe agent-based models, and other models such as cellular automata that could capture human-biology-climate feedbacks, are particularly useful because they capture motivations of individual agents rather than those of collections of agents. Moreover, complex systems analysis allows us to better quantify uncertainty, non-linear behavior, tipping points, and feedback-mechanisms that are not apparent in the current integrated models and have the potential to create extreme environmental impacts.