
Core Cognitive Competencies

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*Please note that most events are by invitation only.

Some of the big multi-disciplinary questions that will be addressed at the workshop include: Do all humans share core cognitive competencies? What are they? Are there variations between countries, cultures? Does the economy need more right-brainers? Does technology change the way our brains work? In a good way? Is the brain still evolving? Do our children think like us –or are we witnessing a discontinuity in cognitive abilities? Do we need to worry about the cognitive make up of our nation? Are tests for evaluating cognitive abilities scientific and reliable? How can we supplement, or even augment, our core cognitive competencies with non-core, but necessary, capabilities?

Co-organized by Icosystem. To be held on June 10, 2009 at Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, Washington, D.C.