
Alhaji Cherif

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Revision as of 00:55, 7 May 2009 by Acherif (talk | contribs) (New page: Hi everyone, I am a first year doctoral student in Applied Mathematics with Mathematical Biology focus at Arizona State University. I hold a BS in engineering from Cornell University and ...)
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Hi everyone, I am a first year doctoral student in Applied Mathematics with Mathematical Biology focus at Arizona State University. I hold a BS in engineering from Cornell University and was trained in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, and Electrical Engineering with minors/certification in Applied Mathematics, African Politics, African American Studies, Mechanical Engineering (unofficial). I spent most of my undergraduate years doing research in the above areas and in nanobiotechnology (NEMS/MEMS, microfluidcs, biosensors), composite materials, reliability theory. I have worked on a variety of research problems, including the development of micro-fluidic systems also known as lab-on-chips (biosensors and micropump, NEMS/MEMS); theoretical modeling of electrophoretic deposition of thin-films; mechanics of fibrous composites; and dynamic model of the flight of butterfly, socio-political dynamics of instability, political reliability theory. I have a short interest horizon and broad interests in interdisciplinary applied mathematics, specially when applied to physical, engineering, natural, biological and social sciences. As an engineer and a scientist who has straddle various scientific fields, I believe in the importance of real world problems as an inspiration for the development of mathematical theory, not for its own sake, but as a means to solving important practical problems and providing practical decision solutions. I look forward to meeting you all in June and do not hesitate to email me at alhaji_dot_cherif_at_asu_dot_edu.