
Integrating Evolutionary Theory into Cancer Biology - Agenda

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Sunday May, 18th
19:00-20:30 Welcome Dinner - Hotel Santa Fe

Monday May, 19th
08:00-08:15 Meet shuttle to SFI at front doors of Hotel Santa Fe (departs 8:15)
08:30-09:00 Continental Breakfast - Noyce Conference Room, SFI
09:00-12:15 Session I -- Introductions and discussion of group framework and goals
12:15-13:30 Lunch at the Santa Fe Institute
13:30-17:30 Session II -- Foundations: What are the key points of agreement and what are the key questions or controversies?
17:30-17:45 Meet shuttle to hotel at front lobby of SFI (departs 17:45)
(Participants on their own for dinner & remainder of evening)

Tuesday May, 20th
07:30-07:45 Meet shuttle to SFI at front doors of Hotel Santa Fe (departs 7:45)
08:00-09:00 Continental Breakfast, Noyce Conference Room, SFI
09:00-12:15 Session I – Can we sketch a roadmap for future work?
12:30-14:00 Lunch at SFI
13:30-17:30 Session II – How shall we proceed toward a summary article?
17:30-17:45 Meet shuttle to hotel at front lobby of SFI (departs 17:45)
(Participants on their own for remainder of evening)

Wednesday May, 21st
08:00-08:15 Meet shuttle to SFI at front doors of Hotel Santa Fe (departs 8:15)
08:30-09:00 Continental Breakfast at SFI
09:00-12:15 Session I – Topic TBD
12:15-13:30 Lunch at the Santa Fe Institute
13:30-16:30 Session II -- Topic TBD
16:45 - 17:00 Meet shuttle to hotel at front lobby of SFI (departs 17:00)
18:00-20:00 Working group dinner (at “Ristra” Restaurant)
(Participants on their own for dinner & remainder of evening)

Thursday May, 22nd
08:00-08:15 Meet shuttle to SFI at front doors of Hotel Santa Fe (departs 8:15)
08:30-09:00 Continental Breakfast at SFI
09:00-12:15 Session I – Conceptual tools from Evolutionary Biology
     9:00 - 10:30:  Adaptive dynamics and fitness landscapes 
                    Moderators: Tom & Carlo
     10:45 - 12:15  The comparative method for studying adaptation
                    Moderator: John
12:15-13:30 Lunch
13:30-17:30 Session II -- Continuation and/or planning Wikipedia article

Friday May, 23rd
08:00-08:15 Meet shuttle to SFI at front doors of Hotel Santa Fe (departs 8:15)
08:30-09:00 Continental Breakfast at SFI
09:00-10:30 Work in progress: Can we prevent the evolution of acquired drug resistance?
                Moderator: John
10:45 - 12:15 Work in progress: Workshop summary paper
                 Moderators: John & Carlo
12:15-13:30 Lunch
13:30-17:20 Session II: Wrapup - Where to from here?
17:30-17:45 Meet shuttle to hotel at front lobby of SFI (departs 17:45)