CSSS 2008 Santa Fe-Faculty
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Below are the lecturers with links (when possible) to webpages. Lecture topics are enclosed in parentheses - these may change!
Week One:
Liz Bradley, University of Colorado, Boulder (Physics and Dynamics Fundamentals)
Owen Densmore and Stephen Guerin, Redfish (Agent Based Modeling)
Josh Epstein, The Brookings Institute
David Krakauer, SFI (Evolution)
Mark Newman, University of Michigan (Networks)
Week Two:
Iain Couzin, Princeton (Group dynamics)
Jennifer Dunne, SFI (Foodwebs)
David Krakauer, SFI (Evolution)
Jean Krivine
Neo Martinez, SFI (Foodwebs)
Dan Stein, NYU (Quenched Disorder, Spin Glasses, and Complexity)
Week Three:
Aaron Clauset, SFI (MCMC)
Doyne Farmer, SFI (Econophysics)
Dan Hruschka, SFI (Prehistoric Economies)
Willemien Kets, SFI (Herding)
Greg Leibon, Memento Security and Dartmouth College (Supervised and Unsupervised Learning and Markets)
Melanie Mitchell, PSU (Evolutionary Computing)
Eric Smith, SFI (Econophysics)
Week Four:
Cris Moore, SFI and UNM (Quantum Computing, Complexity)
Scott Page, University of Michigan