Francois Ascani
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
Hello, I am François and I am a physical oceanographer at the University of Hawai'i. I am finishing my PhD -my defense is a week from the time of writing-, studying the generation of deep mean currents found within a few degrees from the equator below the thermocline depth of 500 m/1500 m feet in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. I am starting also to be interested in marine ecosystems, their population dynamics, assemblage, diversity, evolution, especially at the level of the marine microbes and plankton, either from a species point of view, an individual point of view or from their genetic point of view. I would be very interested in understanding how the theories of complex systems can apply to those marine ecosystems.
I am also thrilled to discover New Mexico, its traces of the Southwestern Indian Empire, its desert and beautiful scenery. I am looking forward to meet you all and learn more about your individual personal projects.