Brian Lawler
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
I am an Principal Engineer with a not-for-profit Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) operated by MITRE.
- Masters, Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
- Bachelors, Political Science, University of Colorado
- Principal Engineer, Center for Enterprise Modernization, MITRE
- Most of my work is devoted to enterprise modernization efforts in the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
- Senior Analyst, Fidelity Investments
- This was in the privately funded venture capital business
- Officer, United States Marine Corps
- Primarily operating in the 1st Marine Infantry Division
- Video games. Most genres. Pretty much anything that comes with a toolkit so I can create my own stuff - e.g. Unreal engine.
- I dabble in Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) including using ExpertChoice.
- Current reading material includes Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach but mostly for the chapters on constraints.
No particular expertise claimed in any of the above topics. :-)
My websites
- My personal website is at
- My on-line photo album at
- Photos of my 2 year old daughter Shannon are my personal favorites
- My blog at
- My public file library
Contact Information
- blawler(at)
- brian.lawler(at)
- brian.lawler(at)