
Cities Growth Page

From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki


Do foraging animals and growing cities utilize resources in the same way? We're interested in building an agent-based model which generates a road network on a map of varying resources by following a set of simple, probabilistic rules. How do the properties of this network evolve through time? How much of city growth can be explained by resource constraints? Do simple rules of growth parallel simple rules of animal foraging behavior? This project will explore agent-based modeling, but will also present opportunities to examine the limits of modeling.

Objectives - Research Question(s)

Groups Members

Alex (
Bernardo (
Claire (lagesse.claire at
Diana (
Ernest Liu (
Michael Kalyuzhny (michael.kalyuzhny at
Rohan (rsmehta at stanford dot edu)


Tuesday 17 : 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
4:15 p.m. - 4:25 p.m. : Meeting with Josh

Wednesday 18 : 9:00 am - 12:00 am

done :

Thursday 12 : 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Monday 16 : 2:30 pm - 4:15 pm

Ongoing work

  • Create a wiki page ! (Claire) [OK]
  • Write the research question (Morgane)


  • Find more references (Claire [OK] & Rohan [OK])
  • Overview of NetLogo models libraries (Ernest)
  • Overview of Aaron's model (Rohan [OK])
  • Overview of Alfred's experiment model (Alex)
  • Overview of Slime mold model (Michael & Ernest)


  • List & Upload data on the Dropbox (Claire)
  • Historical Maps of Santa Fe (Alex)

Foraging perspective

  • Think about the processes we want to model (Diana & Michael)
  • List relevant animals to study (James, Diana & Michael)

Modelling First Step

  • Think about the models which could be relevant (Ernest, Claire, Bernardo, Alberto, Morgane, Rohan)

>> Let's write a little paragraph for each model we have in mind


  • Bernardo

File:Quick Literature Review on Growth of Cities.pdf

  • Claire

Growing Artificial Societies
Turtles, Termites, and Traffic Jams
There's also "Artificial Ants" (Nicolas Monmarché) but I can't find a free article about his computation. That's a shame because I remember of a really interesting algorithm with a well done exploration / exploitation balance...


Aaron's model

Alfred's model

Slime mold



Foraging processes we want to observe

List of relevant animals



Ernest's proposition

Alberto's proposition

Claire's proposition

Anyone else ? :)