Oleksandr Ivanov
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki

I am originally from Ukraine, but I live in The Netherlands now.
I did my first MSc in Biophysics in Ukraine. I worked on the design of biologically inspired artificial retina. Later I did another MSc in Groningen University in Ecology and Evolution. Now I am a first year PhD student at Groningen University.
PhD project
My project is theoretical Systems Biology of aging. Aging is a tough problem since nobody know how it works and what it is. We approach theoretical description of aging through an investigation of metabolic and regulatory networks resilience and robustness. So for I work on local stability of metabolic networks based on different graph typologies. In future I plan to study dynamical properties of metabolic networks using bifurcation analysis.
One more interesting direction is to connect thermodynamics of metabolic networks with dynamics, e. g. to investigate how the changes in the entropy production function correlates with different dynamical states in metabolic networks.
I also want to investigate graph topological robustness in the later stage of my project.