A Page for Mysterious Things
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
This is a page for mysterious things. Stay tuned for mysterious things by the musically inclined.
Chaotic Resampling
A suite of stuff that takes a midi and a Lorenz data file and produces a chaotically mapped midi: ChaosDJ.zip
To run this at the command line:
resampleMidi.sh sourceMidi destinationMidi LorenzMapFile
There are two Lorenz data files included produced with TISEAN - lorenzR45.dat is a chaotic mapping.
The suite inlcudes a General program for chaotically resampling a string and uses MIDICSV.
An example of a remixed song.
Awesome! I've spent this evening programming a percussive kit for us to base our track around, and also the chord sequence on the bass. I didn't think the chord sequence that we came up with this afternoon flowed very well, so if it's OK with the others could I propose that we change to Am -> Em -> Dm -> Em instead? -Martin