Cecilia Roa-Garcia
From Santa Fe Institute Events Wiki
I did my PhD on the water regulation capacity of headwater catchments in the Colombian Andes and am currently working on a project in the same area to analyze water allocation policy and its effects on equity of access to water for rural livelihoods. In an area with annual precipitation of 3,000 mm/year, water scarcity is only partially dependent on the water regulation capacity of ecosystems, and largely dependent on governance. Mountain areas are one of the most vulnerable places to be impacted by the effects of climate change. I am interested in analyzing how scientific data and information can help in the decision making process about efficiency, equity and climate change adaptation of the water sector.
I worked for 8 years at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture doing participatory research on natural resource management in rural areas of Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Honduras and Nicaragua.
I enjoy hiking, running, cooking, classical music and literature.