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Revision as of 14:07, 15 June 2006 by Seoc (talk | contribs)
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* Created on January 22, 2005, 6:11 PM
* Modified June 14, 2006 by Jack

package CoopNetBlue; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List;

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import uchicago.src.sim.engine.BasicAction; import uchicago.src.sim.engine.Schedule; //import uchicago.src.sim.engine.SimModelImpl; //import uchicago.src.sim.gui.DisplaySurface; //import uchicago.src.sim.gui.Network2DDisplay; import uchicago.src.sim.gui.OvalNetworkItem; //import; //import; //import; //import uchicago.src.sim.util.Random; import uchicago.src.sim.util.SimUtilities; //import; //import; //import uchicago.src.sim.gui.CircularGraphLayout; //import uchicago.src.sim.gui.KamadaGraphLayout; //import uchicago.src.sim.gui.AbstractGraphLayout; //import; //import uchicago.src.sim.gui.Object2DDisplay; import uchicago.src.sim.util.*;



* @author Jack Waddell

public class CoopNetBlue extends ModelParameters{

   // model variables
   public int numAgents = 16;
   public ArrayList agentList = new ArrayList (numAgents);
   public int worldXSize = 400;
   public int worldYSize = 400;

   public Schedule schedule;   // Schedules Events
   public GameMaster gm;       // Runs the games
   // The P parameter for regular lattice -> small world rewiring   
   // Also used as the probability in the random network
   public double reconnectProb;
   // the connection radius of the regular lattice
   public int    connectRadius;
   // selects which network type to use in
   public int    netType;
   // Stores how frequently, in units of time steps, to update...
   public int updateInterval;          // The report file
   public int pajekUpdateInterval;     // The pajek files
   public int evolveUpdateInterval;    // The evolution of the net
   Network net;   // The network class
   // The following class performs calculations on the network
   NetUtilities netCalculator = new NetUtilities();

   /** Creates a new instance of CoopNetBlue */
   public CoopNetBlue() {
   // begin
   // builds model-required elements
   public void begin () {
       buildModel ();
       buildSchedule ();

   // addModelSpecificParameters
   // Maps the input parameters.
   public void addModelSpecificParameters () {

parametersMap.put( "size", "numAgents"); parametersMap.put( "ui", "updateInterval"); parametersMap.put( "rP", "reconnectProb"); parametersMap.put( "cR", "connectRadius"); parametersMap.put( "nT", "netType"); parametersMap.put( "pUI", "pajekUpdateInterval"); parametersMap.put( "nUI", "evolveUpdateInterval");

   // getInitParam
   // Controls what appears the the GUI parameter panel
   public String[] getInitParam () {

String[] params = { "numAgents", "connectRadius", "reconnectProb", "netType", // these are from the super class: "rDebug", "seed"}; return params;

   // getters and setters
   // ********************   Note   *************************
   // Specific format required if using inputted parameters
   //  (either through batch or gui)
   public int  getWorldXSize () {return worldXSize;}
   public void setWorldXSize (int size) {worldXSize = size;}
   public int  getWorldYSize () {return worldYSize;}
   public void setWorldYSize (int size) {worldYSize = size;}
   public int  getNumAgents() {return numAgents;}
   public void setNumAgents(int i) {

numAgents = i;

   public double getReconnectProb() {return reconnectProb;}
   public void   setReconnectProb(double i) {reconnectProb = i;}
   public int  getConnectRadius() {return connectRadius;}
   public void setConnectRadius(int i) {connectRadius = i;}
   public void setNetType(int i) {netType = i;}
   public int  getNetType() {return netType;}
   public int    getUpdateInterval() {return updateInterval;}
   public void  setUpdateInterval(int i) {updateInterval = i;}
   public int    getPajekUpdateInterval() {return pajekUpdateInterval;}
   public void  setPajekUpdateInterval(int i) {pajekUpdateInterval = i;}
   public int getEvolveUpdateInterval() {return evolveUpdateInterval;}
   public void setEvolveUpdateInterval(int i) {evolveUpdateInterval = i;}
   // buildModel
   // Does what it says
   public void buildModel(){

if(rDebug > 0) System.out.printf("Build Model Begin\n");

// CALL FIRST -- defined in super class -- it starts RNG, etc buildModelStart();

// setup the network class

       net = new Network(numAgents, connectRadius, reconnectProb);


// have the network class build the network

       net.buildAdjacencyMatrix(netType);  // first build the adjacency matrix

net.buildAgentList(); // then the agent list

       agentList = net.getAgentList();

// setup the gamemaster gm = new GameMaster(agentList);

// prepare pajek file

       System.out.printf("Build Model End\n");
   // buildSchedule
   // Sets what is to happen, when.
   public void buildSchedule () {

// schedule the current BatchModel's step() function // to execute every time step starting with time step 0 schedule.scheduleActionBeginning( 0, this, "step" );

// Schedule to stop at a particular time, StopT. Rem out // to run indefinitely schedule.scheduleActionAt(getStopT(), this, "processEndOfRun");

// Only run every updateInterval steps schedule.scheduleActionAtInterval(updateInterval, new BasicAction() { public void execute() { System.gc(); // garbage collect stepReport(); // write step report } }, Schedule.LAST);

schedule.scheduleActionAtInterval(evolveUpdateInterval, new BasicAction() { public void execute() { gm.evolveAgents(); // evolve agents } }, Schedule.LAST);

// Only run every pajekUpdateInterval steps schedule.scheduleActionAtInterval(pajekUpdateInterval, new BasicAction() { public void execute() { nextPajekNetwork(); // write pajek file and open new one }

     }, Schedule.LAST);

// Execute at step 1 only schedule.scheduleActionAt(1, new BasicAction() { public void execute() { stepReport(); nextPajekNetwork(); } }, Schedule.LAST);

   // printProjectHelp
   // this could be filled in with some help to get from running with 
   // -help parameter
   public void printProjectHelp() {

// print project help

System.out.printf( "\n%s -- \n", getName() );

System.out.printf( "\n **** Add more info here!! **** \n" );

System.out.printf( "\n" );


System.exit( 0 );

   // stepNodes
   // Steps each node.
   // Current has nodes re-draw themselves based on Utility
   public void stepNodes(){
       CustomNode node;

int maxUtility = 0;

       for(int i = 0; i < numAgents; i++){
           node = (CustomNode) agentList.get(i);

if (node.getUtility() > maxUtility) maxUtility = node.getUtility();


for(int i = 0; i < numAgents; i++){

           node = (CustomNode) agentList.get(i);


   // Setup
   // Prepares the model, or resets it after the reset button is pressed
   // in GUI model
   public void setup () {

if ( rDebug > 0 ) System.out.printf( "<== Model setup() done.\n" ); // Clean up previous instances schedule = null; System.gc ();

// Set default values // These are overwritten by inputted values, if any numAgents = 64; updateInterval = 1000; pajekUpdateInterval = 5000; evolveUpdateInterval = 10;

       worldXSize             = 400;
       worldYSize             = 400;

netType = 0; connectRadius = 2; reconnectProb = 0.1;

       agentList = new ArrayList (numAgents);
       super.setup();	// Reads in input values

schedule = new Schedule (1);

// some post-load finishing touches


// you probably don't want to remove any of the following // calls to process parameter changes and write the // initial state to the report file. // NB -> you might remove/add more agentChange processing

   // step
   // governs what happens at each step
   public void step(){

gm.playAll(); stepNodes();

   // addAgent
   // Input: CustomNode agent
   // Output: none
   // Adds a new agent to the agent list
   public void addAgent(CustomNode agent){


   // delAgent
   // Input: CustomNode agent
   // Output: none
   // Deletes an agent from the agent list
   public void delAgent(CustomNode agent){

agentList.remove(agentList.indexOf(agent)); System.gc();

   // calcAvgUtility()
   public double calcAvgUtility(){

double sum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < numAgents; i++){ CustomNode node = (CustomNode) agentList.get(i); sum += (double) node.getUtility(); } return sum/(double) numAgents;


   // stepReport
   // each step write out:
   //   time  expectivity
   // Note: update the writeHeaderCommentsToReportFile() to print
   //       lines of text describing the data written to the report file.
   public void stepReport () {

String s; s = String.format("%f", schedule.getCurrentTimeDouble());

//writeLineToReportFile ( "<stepreport>" + s + "</stepreport>" ); writeLineToPlaintextReportFile( s ); // flush the buffers so the data is not lost in a "crash" //getReportFile().flush(); getPlaintextReportFile().flush();

   // writeHeaderCommentsToReportFile
   // customize to match what you are writing to the report files in 
   // stepReport.
   public void writeHeaderCommentsToReportFile () {

writeLineToReportFile( "<comment>" ); writeLineToReportFile( " " ); writeLineToReportFile( " time expectivity " ); writeLineToReportFile( "</comment>" );

writeLineToPlaintextReportFile( " #time" );

   public Schedule getSchedule () {
       return schedule;
   public String getName () {
       return "Network";
   public ArrayList<CustomNode> getAgentList() {return agentList;}
   public static void main (String[] args) {
       uchicago.src.sim.engine.SimInit init = new uchicago.src.sim.engine.SimInit ();
       CoopNetBlue model = new CoopNetBlue ();
       init.loadModel (model, null, false);
   // The following are some debugging methods
   public static void printVector(double[] vector){
       for(int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++){
           System.out.printf("%f ", vector[i]);
   public static void printVector(int[] vector){
       for(int i = 0; i < vector.length; i++){
           System.out.printf("%d ", vector[i]);
   public void printAgentList(){
       System.out.printf("Printing agentList, size = %d\n", agentList.size());
       CustomNode node;
       CustomNode inode;
       for(int i = 0; i < (agentList.size()); i++){

node = (CustomNode) agentList.get(i); ArrayList <CustomNode> outNodes = node.getToNodes(); System.out.printf("Node %d points to (%d objects): ", node.getID(), outNodes.size()); for(int j = 0; j < (outNodes.size()); j++){ inode = (CustomNode) outNodes.get(j); System.out.printf(" %d ", inode.getID()); } System.out.printf("\n");

   // nextPajekNetwork
   // closes the current pajek file and opens the new one.
   public void nextPajekNetwork(){

net.writePajekNetwork(agentList); net.endPajekFile(); net.startPajekFile((int) schedule.getCurrentTime()/pajekUpdateInterval + 1);


   // processEndOfRun
   // ends process
   public void processEndOfRun ( ) {

long finalStep = (long) schedule.getCurrentTime(); if ( rDebug > 0 ) System.out.printf("\n\n===== Model processEndOfRun =====\n\n" ); applyAnyStoredChanges(); stepReport(); endReportFile(finalStep); net.writePajekNetwork(agentList); net.endPajekFile(); this.fireStopSim();

