
Games and nets group

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Revision as of 04:13, 14 June 2006 by Matina (talk | contribs) (adding literature review page)

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  • 2006-06-13: First base model is put together in Repast. I can show people tomorrow during break, perhaps. - Jack
  1. We're doing a literature review - with three lines on why each paper we find is interesting
  • 09 06 06 Summary of our ideas so far (please correct them if necessary)
  1. to look at a system where the network structure affects how nodes behave, and where nodes' behaviour affects network structure. Feedback between levels of organisation.
  2. to look at functional measures/ measures of performance at node, community and network level. Levels of selection.
  3. to look within this framework at tradeoffs between beneficial spread from individual to individual (eg useful information), and harmful spread (eg viruses)